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The most complete "xenon lamp service life" cheats in his

time: 2021-04-07 16:38 click:

The digital xenon lamp is filled with high-pressure xenon gas, which is stable at room temperature. When the xenon lamp is lit, the normal operating temperature of the bulb will increase the pressure in the lamp to a very high level. If it is not handled strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, it may cause the glass bulb to explode, so it must be strictly followed The operating procedure uses xenon lamps.

  1. Must wear a face mask
  When operating the xenon lamp, you must wear a protective mask and gloves, and non-operators must stay away from the operation site.

  2. Hot lamp operation is strictly prohibited
  The xenon lamp must be completely cooled down before turning off the power of the projector to operate the xenon lamp.

  3. It is strictly forbidden to touch the glass lamp shell directly by hand
  Fingerprints or stains on the glass lamp shell will cause uneven heating of the glass lamp body, which may cause the lamp to blow up.

  4. Thin metal wire on xenon lamp
  There is a thin metal wire on the body of the xenon lamp. Make sure that this metal wire is in good condition during installation and operation.

5. Good electrode contact
  When installing and replacing the lamp, you must fix the xenon lamp adapter and tighten the screws that fix the xenon lamp cathode connection cable and anode connection cable. Poor contact will cause excessive current at the contact point to heat up and burn out.

  6. Ensure the exhaust speed
  If the exhaust speed of the exhaust fan in the projection room is not enough, the temperature of the projector's lamp box will be too high, which will reduce the service life of the xenon lamp, and in severe cases, it may cause a "light explosion" accident. The normal wind speed is 10 meters per second to 15 meters per second.

  7. Xenon lamp power selection
  On the premise that the xenon lamp can meet the brightness requirements of the screen, it is recommended to use a xenon lamp with a lower power. Because the lower the power of the xenon lamp, the lower the price and the longer the use time than the high-power xenon lamp. The higher the cost performance, the lower the cost of the xenon lamp for each movie.

  8. Adjust the lamp current in time
  The new lamp will be very bright when it is first installed. At this time, adjust the lamp current to a lower level to achieve higher screen brightness. As the xenon lamp ages and becomes darker, it is necessary to gradually increase the working current of the xenon lamp to meet the brightness requirements of the screen. If the CLO (constant light output) mode of the projector is activated, the projector will automatically adjust the xenon lamp current to reach and automatically maintain a light output brightness value set by the theater.

  9. Adjust the position of the xenon lamp
  After installation, you need to adjust the position of the xenon lamp in each direction on the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis. In order to ensure that the light spot of the xenon lamp is hit right at the center of the entrance of the light pipe, in order to achieve the highest light utilization rate.
  If the position of the xenon lamp is not adjusted after the new installation or lamp replacement, the spot is too large or the position is offset, it is bound to lose most of the light, thereby reducing the efficiency of the xenon lamp.

  Call up the "Control-Service-Current Light Output-Brightness Measurement Value" on the touch screen, and adjust the position of the xenon lamp according to the change in the brightness measurement value.
    Loosen the two fixing screws 2, turn the adjustment knob 5 to adjust the X-axis position of the xenon lamp, turn the adjustment knob 7 to adjust the Y-axis position of the xenon lamp, and rotate the adjustment knob 8 to adjust the Z-axis position of the xenon lamp.

  When adjusting the brightness, first adjust the knob clockwise and observe the brightness measurement value. If it increases, continue to rotate, if it decreases, adjust it in the opposite direction until it reaches the maximum value. "Brightness measurement" is a relative value, and the value displayed by each projector will be different.

  Adjust the positions of the X, Y, and Z axes of the xenon lamp in turn, and cycle adjustments until the “brightness measurement value” no longer increases. When adjusting the Z axis position, the brightness value will change significantly.

  10. Maintenance of xenon lamp
  Dust and oily smoke will adhere to the xenon lamp and the reflector and affect the brightness. When changing the lamp, check or clean the reflector to improve the light efficiency, but do not use any cleaning agents.
  Frequently check the working conditions of the xenon lamp, including the exhaust wind speed, the current of the xenon lamp, the temperature of the xenon lamp, the brightness of the screen, whether it is arcing, etc. The easiest way is to make a white test chart and observe the brightness, uniformity and flicker of the picture on the screen.